What is the PHQ-9?
The Patient Health Questionnaire-9 (PHQ-9) is a 9-item depression screening tool used to assess the severity of depressive symptoms. Each question asks how often you’ve experienced a specific symptom (like “little interest or pleasure in doing things”) over the past two weeks, with answers ranging from “Not at all” (0 points) to “Nearly every day” (3 points). This self-assessment is commonly used by doctors and mental health professionals to screen for depression and monitor treatment progress.
PHQ-9 Depression Severity Questionnaire
How to use the PHQ-9 Calculator:
Answer the nine questions based on your recent experiences. The calculator will sum your scores and tell you your depression severity level. PHQ-9 scores range from 0 to 27. Higher scores indicate more severe depression. For example: a score of 5–9 points = mild depression, 10–14 = moderate, 15–19 = moderately severe, and 20+ = severe depression. After submitting your answers, you’ll receive an interpretation of your score (e.g., “Moderate Depression”) along with suggested next steps.
Why use this tool?
If you’ve been feeling down or lost interest in things, this PHQ-9 calculator can quickly gauge your depression level. It’s confidential and easy-to-use, providing instant results. You can use it to track changes in your mood over time – for instance, retaking the quiz after a few weeks to see if your score improves with lifestyle changes or treatment. Remember, this tool is not a diagnosis on its own, but it can help you decide if you should seek a professional evaluation.
Understanding your results:
- Minimal or No Depression (0–4): Your score suggests little to no depressive symptoms. If you’re feeling okay, maintain your healthy habits.
- Mild Depression (5–9): You have mild symptoms. Monitor how you feel; consider self-care strategies (exercise, journaling) and retest later.
- Moderate Depression (10–14): Moderate depressive symptoms. This could warrant speaking with a counselor or doctor, especially if symptoms persist.
- Moderately Severe (15–19): Symptoms are significant. It’s advisable to seek professional help – depression at this level may benefit from therapy and/or medications.
- Severe Depression (20–27): Your score is high, indicating severe symptoms. It’s important to reach out to a healthcare provider for a thorough evaluation.
Always remember: If you have any thoughts of self-harm or suicide (PHQ-9 question 9 addresses this), seek help immediately. This calculator is a starting point; for an official diagnosis or treatment plan, consult a mental health professional.