NPI Number expanded as the National Provider Identifier is a unique 10-digital identification number. This number is allocated for covered healthcare providers in the United States. At MD Code Lookup, we offer a user-friendly NPI Lookup tool to make things easier.

The competent bodies:

NPI Number is a part of the Health Insurance Portability or Accountability or HIPAA. It is made compulsory that all healthcare providers and health plans covered by HIPAA should use this number as an identifier. These are unique identifiers assigned and developed by CMS.

Types of NPI Numbers:

There are a couple of types of NPI Numbers, and they are:

  • Type 1 for individual professionals like nurse practitioners, chiropractors, physical therapists, dentists, physician assistants, and physicians.
  • Type 2 is for organization or business that offers health care services and supplies. Examples include home health care agencies, pharmacies, laboratories, group practices, nursing homes, and hospitals.

Once assigned, the NPI of the provider will remain with him/the organization even if their job or location changes. When applying for their medical reimbursement patients will have to provide this number such that the insurance company can easily identify their hospital or physician.