HCPCS Code Section: HCPCS M Codes


Patients with a diagnosis of lumbar spine region cancer at the time of the procedure Short Description: Pt dx lum sp reg cacr Coverage Code: Carrier judgment Action Code: …


Adults who have not had at least 180 days of continuous pharmacotherapy with a medication prescribed for oud without a gap of more than seven days Short Description: Adt …


Adults who are deliberately phased out of medication assisted treatment (mat) prior to 180 days of continuous treatment Short Description: Adt pd out mat pr 180 dys tx Coverage …


Functional status was measured by the oswestry disability index (odi version 2.1a) patient reported outcome tool within three months preoperatively and at three months (6 to 20 weeks) postoperatively …


Adults who have at least 180 days of continuous pharmacotherapy with a medication prescribed for oud without a gap of more than seven days Short Description: Adt 180 dys …


Functional status was not measured by the oswestry disability index (odi version 2.1a) at three months (6 – 20 weeks) postoperatively Short Description: Fs wth scr no odi pre …


Pharmacotherapy for oud initiated after june 30th of performance period Short Description: Pharmthry for oud afr 6.30 Coverage Code: Carrier judgment Action Code: No maintenance for this code Date …


Functional status measurement with score was obtained utilizing the oswestry disability index (odi version 2.1a) patient reported outcome tool within three months preoperatively and at three months (6 to …


Adults currently taking pharmacotherapy for oud Short Description: Adt tkng pharmthry for oud Coverage Code: Carrier judgment Action Code: No maintenance for this code Date Added: January 1, 2019 …


Functional status was measured by the oxford knee score (oks) patient reported outcome tool within three months preoperatively and at one year (9 to 15 months) postoperatively Short Description: …