HCPCS Code Section: HCPCS K Codes


Power operated vehicle, group 1 heavy duty, patient weight capacity 301 to 450 pounds Short Description: Pov group 1 hd 301-450 lbs Coverage Code: Carrier judgment Action Code: No …


Power operated vehicle, group 1 standard, patient weight capacity up to and including 300 pounds Short Description: Pov group 1 std up to 300lbs Coverage Code: Carrier judgment Action …


Absorptive wound dressing for use with suction pump, home model, portable, pad size greater than 48 square inches Short Description: Absorp drg >48 suc pump Coverage Code: Carrier judgment …


Absorptive wound dressing for use with suction pump, home model, portable, pad size more than 16 square inches but less than or equal to 48 square inches Short Description: …


Power wheelchair, group 2 standard, multiple power option, sling/solid seat/back, patient weight capacity up to and including 300 pounds Short Description: Pwc gp2 std mult pow opt s/b Coverage …


Power wheelchair, group 2 standard, sling/solid seat/back, patient weight capacity up to and including 300 pounds Short Description: Pwc gp 2 std seat/back Coverage Code: Carrier judgment Action Code: …


Power wheelchair, group 2 extra heavy duty, single power option, sling/solid seat/back, patient weight capacity 601 pounds or more Short Description: Pwc gp2 xhd sing pow opt s/b Coverage …


Power wheelchair, group 2 very heavy duty, single power option, sling/solid seat/back, patient weight capacity 451 to 600 pounds Short Description: Pwc gp2 vhd sing pow opt s/b Coverage …


Power wheelchair, group 2 heavy duty, single power option, captains chair, patient weight capacity 301 to 450 pounds Short Description: Pwc gp 2 hd sing pow opt cap Coverage …


Power wheelchair, group 2 heavy duty, single power option, sling/solid seat/back, patient weight capacity 301 to 450 pounds Short Description: Pwc gp 2 hd sing pow opt s/b Coverage …