HCPCS Code Section: HCPCS B Codes


Noc for parenteral supplies Short Description: Parenteral supp not othrws c Coverage Code: Special coverage instructions apply Action Code: No maintenance for this code Date Added: January 1, 1985 …


Parenteral nutrition solution; compounded amino acid and carbohydrates with electrolytes, trace elements, and vitamins, including preparation, any strength, 10 to 51 grams of protein – premix Coverage Code: Special …


Noc for enteral supplies Short Description: Enteral supp not otherwise c Coverage Code: Special coverage instructions apply Action Code: No maintenance for this code Date Added: January 1, 1985 …


Omegaven, 10 grams lipids Short Description: Omegaven, 10 grams lipids Coverage Code: Special coverage instructions apply Action Code: Add procedure or modifier code Date Added: January 1, 2020 Effective …


Parenteral nutrition infusion pump, stationary Short Description: Parenteral infus pump statio Coverage Code: Special coverage instructions apply Action Code: No maintenance for this code Date Added: January 1, 1988 …


Parenteral nutrition solution, not otherwise specified, 10 grams lipids Short Description: Pn soln nos 10 grams lipids Coverage Code: Special coverage instructions apply Action Code: Change in long description …


Parenteral nutrition infusion pump, portable Short Description: Parenteral infus pump portab Coverage Code: Special coverage instructions apply Action Code: No maintenance for this code Date Added: January 1, 1988 …


Parenteral nutrition solution; carbohydrates (dextrose), greater than 50% (500 ml = 1 unit) – home mix Short Description: Parenteral sol carb > 50% Coverage Code: Special coverage instructions apply …


Enteral nutrition infusion pump, any type Short Description: Enter nutr inf pump any type Coverage Code: Special coverage instructions apply Action Code: No maintenance for this code Date Added: …


Enteral nutrition infusion pump – without alarm Short Description: Enter infusion pump w/o alrm Coverage Code: Special coverage instructions apply Action Code: No maintenance for this code Date Added: …