HCPCS Code Section: HCPCS G Codes


Aspirin or another antiplatelet therapy not used, reason not given Short Description: No asa/antiplat ther use rng Coverage Code: Carrier judgment Action Code: No maintenance for this code Date …


Risk-adjusted functional status change residual score for the shoulder impairment successfully calculated and the score was equal to zero (0) or greater than zero (> 0) Short Description: Rafscrs …


Risk-adjusted functional status change residual score for the knee impairment successfully calculated and the score was equal to zero (0) or greater than zero (> 0) Short Description: Rafscrs …


Risk-adjusted functional status change residual score for the low back impairment not measured because the patient did not complete the low back fs prom at initial evaluation and/or near …


Risk-adjusted functional status change residual score for the low back impairment not measured because the patient did not complete the fs status survey near discharge, patient not appropriate Short …


Risk-adjusted functional status change residual score for the low back impairment successfully calculated and the score was less than zero (< 0) Short Description: Rafscrs lbi scor < 0 …


Risk-adjusted functional status change residual score for the low back impairment successfully calculated and the score was equal to zero (0) or greater than zero (> 0) Short Description: …


Risk-adjusted functional status change residual score for the lower leg, foot or ankle impairment not measured because the patient did not complete the fs intake survey on admission and/or …


Risk-adjusted functional status change residual score for the lower leg, foot or ankle impairment not measured because the patient did not complete the fs status survey near discharge, patient …